We handle your personal data securely and in accordance with the applicable data protection laws as well as the following data protection declaration.

What does “personal data” mean?
According to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Article 4, personal data means “any information concerning the personal or material circumstances of an identified or identifiable individual (the data subject).” This includes all information that reveals something about a person. Information that cannot (or can only with a disproportionate amount of effort) be linked to an individual is not classified as personal data.

What kind of personal data does IAPB collect and process?
IAPB collects and processes personal data connected with this website only for the purposes of facilitating website use. We do not use personal data for any individual evaluations. We reserve the right to evaluate pseudonymous or anonymized datasets through a service provider. These can be used for example for website improvement and for statistical purpose, such as the evaluation of  user numbers, page views, and aggregated data on user interests). Further purposes include those relating to system security.

When you view information on our website, some data is saved in order to provide these services. This data may potentially allow for identification, including: the IP address of the computer making the request, date and  time of request, preferred mode of access/function, input data communicated, name of requested file, URL from which the file was requested or the desired action that was prompted.

Should the data not be anonymously evaluated, it will be deleted immediately after the end of a session. Some services on this website might involve the collection and processing of personal data. Your personal data is used by IAPB for the following purposes:

Contact forms
Should you yourself provide personal data (e.g. name or email address) on this website, this is always on a voluntary basis.  If you submit a query through our contact form, we will store your name and email address in order to contact you or respond to your inquiry.

By providing us with your name and email address you consent to us using the specific data in this way. You may at any time revoke your consent by sending us an email to

This data is not used in any further way. Personal data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it has been stored.

IAPB’s website uses cookies (small files of configuration information) in order to determine the number of users and the frequency of visits in order to make the site more user-friendly, effective and secure. We use cookies without any personal links to you. Furthermore, external providers, whose services are integrated in our website, use cookies. The use of many cookies depend on your consent. Most browsers are configured to automatically accept cookies. You can configure your browser to ensure that you are informed about the use of cookies, to allow cookies only on a case-to-case basis, to accept cookies in certain cases, to generally exclude cookies or to automatically delete cookies when the browser is closed. Disabling cookies may impair the functionality of this website. For example, videos uploaded on external service providers’ pages like YouTube, may not be displayed if you do not consent to the specific cookies.

IAPB’s website uses the Complianz Tool in order to facilitate your control over the use of cookies. More information on cookies below.


SSL encryption
IAPB’s website uses SSL encryption to securely communicate confidential information. This is especially important e.g. if you use a contact form. You can identify a SSL-encrypted page when the browser’s address starts with “https://” and you see a small lock symbol in the browser bar.
When SSL encryption is activated, information that you send to us cannot be read by third parties.


Right to information, deletion, and blocking
You have the right at any given time to obtain information – at no cost – on your personal data, where it came from, who received it and the purpose of the data processing. You also have a right to have this information corrected, blocked or deleted. To do this, or if you have other questions on your personal data in the context of your use of this website, you can contact us at any time at the address provided below under IAPB data protection officer.


IAPB data protection officer