

The IAPB’s objective is to collect, consolidate, verify and preserve information and evidence of crimes under international law allegedly committed in the run-up to the presidential elections in Belarus in 2020 and its aftermath. To this end, the IAPB will build on the ongoing efforts of Belarusian human rights organisations to collect information about human rights violations committed in Belarus.

The information and evidence collected by the IAPB will assist independent and fair criminal investigations and criminal proceedings, carried out in accordance with international law and standards, in national or international courts or tribunals that have or may have jurisdiction over those crimes. The evidence may also support other proceedings aiming to ensure account-ability for crimes under international law allegedly committed in Belarus.

To meet these objectives, the IAPB is: 

  • Working in partnership with Belarusian and international human rights organisations,
  • collecting, verifying and consolidating evidence of crimes under international law allegedly committed in Belarus;
  • Preserving evidence in physical and digital archives; and
  • Producing evidentiary and analytical products for use by investigation and prosecution authorities, as well as for use in other accountability-related proceedings. The IAPB is committed to effectively implementing a survivor-centred, trauma-informed approach to the collection and preservation of information and evidence. In fulfilling its objectives, the IAPB integrates a gender analysis in all core components of its work, such that information and evidence is collected and analysed while using gender-competent approaches.