The IAPB now has the infrastructure in place to start fulfilling its objectives: “We are now fully prepared to work with the collected information, which is essential to advance justice for victims and survivors of alleged crimes under international law in Belarus”, says Head of Platform, Chief Physician Jens Modvig.
The International Accountability Platform for Belarus (IAPB) is now publishing its first progress report.
The IAPB was launched on 24 March 2021 and has the objective of collecting, processing, and storing evidence of serious human rights violations in Belarus. The IAPB is a collaboration between 18 Belarusian and international expert organisations. The Steering Committee consists of two independent, Belarusian human rights organisations, REDRESS, and DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, which heads the IAPB. The IAPB is supported and funded by 20 States and the EU.
The IAPB has now been in existence for six months and it is time to take stock. Jens Modvig notes that the organisations in the IAPB, especially in the four members of the Steering Committee, have built up working processes that can effectively contribute to holding the perpetrators of alleged crimes under international law in Belarus to account. A team of technical experts has been hired and the infrastructure capable to support the implementation of the IAPB’s objectives has been established.
This includes a series of Standard Operating Procedures and an IT system ensuring high degree of security. The IAPB has a large amount of data available, which the IAPB secretarial staff team is now ready to verify, process and analyse. At the same time, the IAPB is cooperating with the OHCHR examination of the human rights situation in Belarus mandated by the UN Human Rights Council Resolution 46/20. “The platform represents a very strong, transnational collaboration between all organisations involved and has solid backing from the 20 states and the EU”, says Jens Modvig.
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